Bulgarian Bee Honey
Honey has numerous medicinal, cosmetic and culinary benefits but to really enjoy the benefits of honey, you must use the pure honeybee product. Many sellers adulterate honey by adding stuff like sugar and glucose but this only takes away from the benefits of this super food. At Rogen Ltd, we believe in selling honey and products such as honey sticks in their purest form so we have put together a list of things to look out for when buying honey.
Real v. Fake Honey
Real honey comes from honey bees and is not manufactured in a factory. This type of honey can be natural or organic meaning that the bees were fed flowers that were organically grown. Fake or adulterated honey is not pure due to the addition of things such as flour, glucose, nectar and more.
What To Look Out For
Pure honey is thick so that when you tilt the jar, the honey moves very slowly to the other side of the jar. Fake honey is usually very light and lacks the density and high viscosity of pure honey.
Adulterated honey can be quite sticky due to the additives and unnatural sweeteners. On the contrary, pure honey is not sticky at all.
Look out for the taste of honey; this will tell you a great deal about its purity. Pure, high-quality honey will not leave a lingering taste in your mouth—the sweet taste will actually go away pretty fast. Due to the added sweeteners, fake honey will have a lingering taste that sticks around for a while.
The smell of honey is a fantastic way of telling the pure from the adulterated. Fake honey may not have any smell or it will just have an industrial smell. Pure honey mostly smells of flowers or wild grass.
Behavior after heating
When pure honey is heated, it quickly crystalizes while fake honey will produce a bubbly foam due to the added sweeteners and water.
Mix with water
A simple way to know whether honey is pure is to dissolve it in water. Fake honey will dissolve fast both in water and methylated spirit due to the additives. Pure honey on the other hand takes some time to dissolve in water; it sinks to the bottom and forms lumps when mixed with water or methylated spirit.
At Rogen Ltd, we know the many wonderful uses of honey. We are a leading supplier of pure, high quality Bulgarian honey. We distribute world best honey across Europe and internationally. Contact us for the best, unadulterated, raw honey